Zettawise Consulting is a part of the joint workforce of SASTRA (RRU, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt of India) under the aegis of “AtmaNirbhar and AtmaSurakshit Bharat Mission” of Govt of India.

Member of :

Zettawise Consulting is a part of the joint workforce of SASTRA (RRU, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt of India) under the aegis of “AtmaNirbhar and AtmaSurakshit Bharat Mission” of Govt of India.


OEM Centric Solutions


Applications & Software

  • Operate as a System Integrator
  • Provide complimentary services for better fitment of security services
  • Solutioning around OEM products
  • Integration, initial deployment and configuration of various OEM products
  • Setting up SOCs

Let’s Talk About How We Can Help You Secure your Asset