Zettawise Cyber Range focusses on assessing the vulnerabilities involved in the process safety, system reliability and physical reliability of the Operating Technology of the Critical Infrastructures.

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Zettawise Consulting is a part of the joint workforce of SASTRA (RRU, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt of India) under the aegis of “AtmaNirbhar and AtmaSurakshit Bharat Mission” of Govt of India.

Quantum computing gets a lot of attention for its potential to break encryption, but it might also make special operators’ communications more secure than ever. Late last year, a company called Rhea Space Activity demonstrated its ...
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UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The United Nations chief warned Thursday that “the perils of weaponizing digital technologies are growing by the year” and malicious activity in cyberspace is on the rise by Governments, Non-Government actors a...
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Introduction Every two years, a ritual takes over the PENTAGON. A mix of service priorities, presidential prerogatives, defense ideas, and congressional intrigue combine in a cauldron called the Unified Command Plan (UCP).[1] The classified docume...
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