Zettawise Cyber Range focusses on assessing the vulnerabilities involved in the process safety, system reliability and physical reliability of the Operating Technology of the Critical Infrastructures.

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Zettawise Consulting is a part of the joint workforce of SASTRA (RRU, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt of India) under the aegis of “AtmaNirbhar and AtmaSurakshit Bharat Mission” of Govt of India.

China and North Korea are among the world's most worrisome countries in terms of cybersecurity threats, but that is not the full extent of the risks, the head of the British government's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) said in an interv...
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Israel Defense Forces has been the target of more than three billion cyberattacks since Oct. 7, according to Col. Racheli Dembinsky, commander of the IDF’s Center of Computing and Information Systems (Mamram) The attacks were all intercepted...
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Satellite image providers say that new artificial intelligence tools, coupled with more and faster satellite data, will enable image providers to much better anticipate events of geopolitical significance and notify customers and operators of impendi...
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