Zettawise Cyber Range focusses on assessing the vulnerabilities involved in the process safety, system reliability and physical reliability of the Operating Technology of the Critical Infrastructures.

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Zettawise Consulting is a part of the joint workforce of SASTRA (RRU, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt of India) under the aegis of “AtmaNirbhar and AtmaSurakshit Bharat Mission” of Govt of India.

We all know the trope: a machine grows so intelligent that its apparent consciousness becomes indistinguishable from our own, and then it surpasses us – and possibly even turns against us. As investment pours into efforts to make such technolog...
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Cyber warfare refers to the use of digital attacks to harm a nation, organization, or individual by damaging or disrupting their computer systems, networks, or information. It can range from espionage and data theft to sabotage and even physical dama...
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There’s a tussle over the future of AI regulation. One camp insists that “x-risk,” or existential risk, warrants the preponderance of regulatory focus. Another camp demands that privacy be the primary concern. A third cohort want...
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