Signed in Washington DC on January 17, the MoU aims to enhance security cooperation between India and the US.
India’s Ambassador to the US, Vinay Kwatra, and Acting Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security, Kristie Canegallo, signed the MoU in Washington, as confirmed by the Ministry of External Affairs on Saturday.
The MoU on cybercrime investigations will enhance collaboration and training between agencies of both countries on cyber threat intelligence and digital forensics in criminal cases.
“Cyber crime has intricate linkages with the common security challenges faced by India and the US, such as terrorism and violent extremism, terror financing, drug trafficking, organised crime, human trafficking, illegal migration, money laundering and transportation security” the statement pointed out.
In India, the Indian Cybercrime Coordination Centre (I4C) and the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) will oversee the MoU’s implementation, while in the US, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), along with ICE and the Cyber Crimes Center (C3), will handle its execution.
Through their influential roles, India and the US contribute significantly to global cyber governance, advocating for a secure and open digital space, setting standards that safeguard against misuse and ensure accountability for cybercriminals.